SPL and CGS Team Up Again

2015_kids-wild-scienceIt’s summertime in Seattle once again, and that means we’re teaming up with one of our favorite partners, Seattle Public Library. Last summer, patrons were able to play an early version of Riddle Books – this year, we’ve brought it back with some all new improvements (if you gave it a try last summer, we encourage you to give it a click and tell us what you think of the changes).

Fully working into the creative nature of science, reading, and fun theme that Seattle Public Libraries has to offer this summer, teens also are invited to enjoy our middle school (and up) offering, Nanocrafter, then explore related science titles at their local library to learn more.

Visitors to select Seattle libraries will also enjoy interactive workshops given by graduate students working with the Center for Game Science, as they present Dragon Architect and BlockStudio. If you’re local to these libraries, don’t delay – those workshops will fill up!

Just because school is nearly out doesn’t mean the learning and fun has to stop!

Center for Game Science Makes Summer Learning Fun

sidebar_riddlebooksThis summer, the Center for Game Science is bringing together two great games designed to make learning Algebra fun under the title “Riddle Books”. With our new word problem game arriving later this summer and our classic favorite DragonBox Adaptive already live on the KCLS Summer Learning website, we’re working hard with the King County Library System to make summer learning fun! Check it out and be sure to tell your favorite student.