CGS in the Seattle Times

Late last week, the Seattle Times referenced our Center for Game Science in an article called “At UW, computer games studied as a serious cultural form”, noting the efforts brought about by the Comparative History of Ideas program by acknowledging, “Critiquing gaming from a cultural standpoint may lead to the development of more ethical and artful games.” Although our mention was not large at all, it is fascinating to note how the UW approaches gaming from a variety of angles to fit a broad scope of interests.

Interested in taking a deeper look at the various ways the University studies gaming? Try these links out, as well as our Projects page:
Comparative History of Ideas program
Critical Gaming Project

Foldit in the News!

140826_gamer_bigYesterday, two great stories appeared about our work with the Institute For Protein Design and Foldit. The first is this great selection from the Seattle Times, titled “Gamers helping UW in Ebola research”, pointing out “Months before the recent Ebola outbreak erupted in Western Africa, killing more than a thousand people, scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for Protein Design were looking for a way to stop the deadly virus.”

Next, IPD graduate student Brian Koepnick was interviewed by KOMO TV for a segment on using Foldit! If you’re ready to join in the fun and haven’t yet, start playing today!

CGS Summer Camps A Success!

summercamp2Over the course of the summer, we have been working with local area Boys & Girls Clubs to provide fun summer play testing activities for several programs currently in development. While most of our day camp visits have been here at the University of Washington, we spent three afternoons this week at a local club, allowing campers the opportunity to explore art activities related to currently online Riddle Books and build games progressively over the week. It was a great opportunity, and we are already discussing plans for next summer. If you want to get in on the ground floor by keeping up to date on our Summer 2015 activities, drop us a line!